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Page 17

Jerry Donovan at Controls

We must mention the innumerable other employees, including motormen and conductors, who were always ready with information and assistance. Thanks too, to the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad for their kind help.
    As always we owe a debt of gratitude to Michael G. Mann. fast and accurate on the shutter and no less able in extending his services to a friend. Similarly we acknowledge the willing assistance of Martin H. Schachne, who can always be counted on for generous service with a smile, and Robert J. Wasche, who went to considerable pains to get his fine photos to us.
    The able hand that executed the plans of the Wentworth Avenue station and New Dorp stationhouse belongs to our genial friend, Bryant Petitt.
    Thanks are also due John H. White, Jr. and Robert P. Multhauf of the Smithsonian Institution for enabling us to have the fine photos of the SIRT's steam days, and to Monsignor Henry J. Vier of the Mount Loretto Home for the unexpected surprise which enabled us to add the very rare photo of the now defunct Mount Loretto special train to this publication.

we remember the many kind souls who generously gave of their time and materials to make the SIRT book possible, several of whom are no longer with us. So we reprint here the 1965 acknowledgement:

It is our pleasure to give credit to the following gentlemen and organizations, which so kindly and patiently assisted our probing and contributed so much to this publication.
     Our deepest gratitude goes to Jeremiah V. Donovan, the SIRT Assistant Trainmaster and godfather of this booklet. Mr. Donovan, who began his association with the railway by collecting fares on an express train to New Dorp in 1917, has not slacked in his energy or in his love of his railroad, adding to his daily chores by writing information included in all sections of this book, and kept a constant watch for sources that might have something to add. His constant patience, good humor and lively talk did so much to lighten the occasionally hectic pace of writing and publishing this book.
     It is impossible to overstate the kindness of innumerable other SIRT men who fielded our questions, cooperating patiently and adding stories that have added color to the publication. Among these are: R. J. Cannon, Superintendent; J. P. McGrath, W. J. Curry, SIRT Dispatchers; amd Superintendent of Equipment R. C. Powers.

It's Good to be Trainmaster. To have his picture taken, SIRT Asst. Trainmaster Jerry Donovan pilots his own train out to the St. George Yards. Of course, the men at the Clifton Shops made sure a freshly washed unit was available for the occasion. Though patterned on the BMT Standard, SIRT cars had vestibules with controls, like IRT cars.

Both dressed up for the occasion, Jerry Donovan and SIRT car 320 pose in the St. George Yards, west of the terminal. This is now the site of the new Ballpark station.

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Updated Saturday, December 29, 2001

©1965 Silver Leaf Rapid Transit. ©2001 Paul Matus. ©2001 The Composing Stack Inc.